Meeting roundup from the last few weeks

Over the last few weeks I have been going over my thesis structure and determining exactly what the nature of my all important second round of testing will be. During this time I've normally met with Mike and Fridays and Henry on Tuesdays. Last Tuesday we had a very interesting meeting between the three of us that went over the entire concept from start to finish.

One of the most important things that came out of the meeting was notion of the Project Information Cloud, a loosely joined collection of resources that could contain a number of Building Information Models and various other resources. The important aspect of this cloud was filtered, intelligent syndication of content between all participants. This filtered, intelligent syndication would achieve the aim of data relevancy that is of utmost importance when dealing with large quantities of data and communications.

During this conversation it became important to clearly define the Project Information Cloud not as a delivery strategy but rather as a model for communication that would operate within a delivery strategy. By doing this it makes selecting specific areas within the building design process to test a lot easier as the emphasis is on testing different types of communication rather than the pro's and con's of different delivery strategies.

To help things out I am now designing what and how the Project Information Cloud could manifest itself. By doing this it (in theory) should make isolating specific testing strategies and environments a lot easier instead of picking a testing strategy and environment and then designing an implementation of the PIC around these constraints.

Attached is a few diagrams that came out of discussing the concept with Henry over the last few weeks. I think as we both seem to think through problems visually diagrams make a lot more sense than words most of the time.