Problems with Fedora Core 3

For a number of months I have been using Fedora Core 2 very happily to run a MythTV/games system. Unfortunately as of about a month ago MythTV development on FC2 stopped and now only focuses on the Fedora Core 3 release. This development freeze left me in the lurch with only a partially working MythTV setup (due to dependency issues). Consequently I took the plunge and downloaded the FC3 DVD. Little did I know this process would eventually lead me to stop using Linux on my home workstation....

The install process went well and it sure was nice not to have to swap CD's at random times during the installation. After installation I was reintroduced to the same old Fedora headache's such as the yum package management system, no mp3 playback and no sound on rebooting. The first two issues were quickly resolved with the installation of Synaptic and a few mp3 libraries. The later problem was more difficult and it turned out FC3 was not storing my alsa.conf settings on a reboot. I resolved this by adding a line to my rc.local file that restored the correct settings. All these things were only inconveniences but still took a long time to resolve. I was happy with FC3's speed, default selection of packages and the pre-packaged NVidia kernel modules.